TORMENT EDITOR -------------- To load the editor, double click on EDITOR.PRG NOTE: The editor was designed primarily as a design tool, and I make no guarantee that it works perfectly. Use of the Editor ----------------- The editor is used to create map files for Torment, and to write accomp- anying briefings. You can change the location of player starts, the units they have, their tech levels, and so on. Before using the editor it is recommended that you are familiar with the game itself, since making a level is a tricky process and you need to understand terms such as Tech Level - consult the TORMENT.TXT file for instructions on the actual game. The editor is primarily mouse controlled. Starting a new map ------------------ From the file menu, select New Map. You will be presented with a box in which you can change the map size - either 32x32, or 64x64 - and the map setting - be it forest, desert, snow or mud. The map size determines how long the game will last, as well as how much disk space it requires and how long it takes to load + save. The map setting has no effect on game play, it just determines what the map looks like. Select OK to clear the current map and begin another one, or CANCEL to return to editing the current map. Adding scenery, units and structures ------------------------------------ Once a new map has been initialised you can start editing. If not already in SCENERY mode, select SCENERY from the BRUSH menu at the top of the screen. Otherwise, click on one of the scenery icons on the right hand side of the screen to select it, then click anywhere on the close up map to place it. To view more scenery icons to choose from, click on the NEXT and PREV buttons underneath the icons. Adding units and structures is achieved in the same way, except you must select UNITS or STRUCTURES from the BRUSH menu at the top of the screen to change into unit or structure placement mode. You can tell if you're in the right mode because the icons displayed on the right of the screen correspond to the mode you're in (if you're in unit mode, units will be displayed on the toolbar). Deleting units and structures is achieved by placing a piece of scenery on top of them. Changing Player --------------- At the start, you will only be able to place units + structures belonging to player 1. Simply press any of the numbers 1 to 4, or select Player X from the MISC. menu to select that player. Now when you place units or structures they will belong to this player. Scrolling the map ----------------- Great, so now you can edit one screen - how do you access more? Simply press the arrow keys to scroll in that direction (the slow method), or click on the overview map section of the toolbar to move the close up screen to the point at which you click (the fast method - recommended!) You should now be able to design the basis of your map. Once you have done this, you can then edit a couple more things before saving. Tech Level + Starting Cash -------------------------- Select Tech Level or Starting Cash from the MISC. menu to edit the Tech Level or the initial funds of each player. Click on the slide bars to increase or decrease the value for the players. Mission Briefings ----------------- The briefing editor section is particularly poorly written (sorry!), but it does work (just!). Select Briefer from the MISC. menu to get into the briefing editor. You will be prompted to select a level to create a brief for. Briefs are not required to play a level, but they can be used to give players extra information, or even dictate that they MUST play as a particular side. Also, you need not brief the level you are editing at the moment - you can select any level to brief simply by clicking on it at this time. You will prompted to enter each players side. If you want them to be able to choose, enter -1. If you want the player to be inactive (not controlled by anyone), enter 0. If you want the player to be forced to be either Empire or Omni Corp enter 1 or 2 respectively. You will then be asked to enter a name for your map. This can be anything (it isn't a filename, just a title which is displayed on the briefing screen). Once entered the number of players allowed is displayed below (any entries of -1, 1 or 2 count as a player, whereas 0 doesn't). Note that the number of players may be wrong! If you enter -1 for each player, then even if the map is only for 2 players the briefer will state Number of Players: 4 The way around this is to enter 0 for any players who start with no units or structures, as each 0 reduces the number of players by one. Once the name has been entered, you can type in the brief itself. Type it in line by line, pressing Return at the end of each line (lines which are too long will be chopped down! You have been warned!). You can enter as many lines as you want - to end your briefing simply press Return at the start of a new line. NOTE: If you want a blank line in the briefing, don't simply press Return as this will cause the program to think it has reached the end of the briefing. Instead, enter a space onto the line before pressing return. Leaving the Editor ------------------ Select QUIT from the FILE menu. Confirm it in the query box, and you are free! OUTLAND users - read this! -------------------------- On the FILE menu you will see an option IMPORT. This is used to load in levels from Outland and convert them to Torment. However, only scenery is converted. Units, structures, tech level, starting cash and briefings will have to be re-editted - even so, it's better than nothing since that mountain pass you spent hours drawing in the Outland editor will import nicely into the Torment editor. The editor is (C)1997 by Daniel Fielding. Thanks to the creators of Spirit Ed, Backtrak, the writer of the MOD LASTNINJA, TAR-SNARE SLIDER, MONSTER, FRESH HOUSE, MEGA-MIX and others (all of which I listened to whilst writing this document).